Wednesday 5.23.18
Buy in:10 reps band shoulder complex, band pull aparts, one-arm band shoulder press. Mobilize.
Shoulder Press 2x5@50,60% 1x Max reps@65%
3 rounds for work and quality
60 meters farmers carry
10 reps good mornings
10 Toes to bar
10 reps/side KB rows
10 handstand push-ups
Tuesday 5.22.18
Buy in: 10 reps cat/camel, bodyweight hip thrusts, side-lying bridges, toes to bar, sit-ups, banded good mornings. Mobilize.
Deadlift: Week 1 Cycle 2- add 10 pounds to your 1RM. 2x5@50,60%. 1x max reps@65%
then in 7 minutes complete as many rounds as possible of:
5 Deadlifts 185/275
10 Box Jumps or Step Ups
Monday 5.21.18
Buy in: 5 reps each movement. getREADY!!!
for time complete
Crye-Leike Loop
25 pullups
then partition as desired
100 wall balls
140 kb swings
180 push ups
25 pullups (not part of the partition equation)
Crye-Leike Loop
The gym is set up in a specific fashion for multiple reasons. There are designated areas for wall balls, kb swings and push ups. A wall of boxes 24" high separates these areas. You must go over the boxes to transition from movement to movement. I don't expect you to comprehend. In fact, I'm surprised you're still reading at this point. Just show up and we'll talk you through it. Cheers!
KB swings should take place in between the rows of boxes. Please use a coaster. Thanks!!!
Saturday 5.19.18
9am getREKT with Nasty Nate!!!
Friday 5.18.18
Buy in:Rowling 10 Frames. Mobilize. 5 reps each movement.
AMRAP 3 minutes- Bench Press 83/135
Rest 1 minute
AMRAP 2 minutes- Push Press 73/115
Rest 1 minute
AMRAP 1 minute- Shoulder Press 63/95
Rest 1 minute
AMRAP 3 minutes-Deadlift 83/135
Rest 1 minute
AMRAP 2 minutes- Back Squat 73/115
Rest 1 minute
AMRAP 1 minute- Thrusters 63/95